IDC Securement Survey

Jane Wickins RN of Metro North Health invites you to complete an IDC Securement Survey as part of her PhD thesis.

This is a great opportunity to suport a nursing colleague in her research, and to reflect on your own clinical practice in the securment of in-dwelling catheters. 

Read more, and participate in the IDC Securement survey

2025 Board of Directors

CoNSA has a new Board of Directors!
At the 2024 AGM, the CoNSA membership elected 4 new members to the Board. These are:

  • Sue Blinman - President
  • Katrina Ziebarth - Vice President
  • Shirlynn Mwangangi - Secretary
  • Melissa O'Grady - Treasurer

Some of these people will be known to you, some perhaps less so.

For more details on the current Board members (and the Appointed Directors) , see CoNSA Board and Directors.

The new Board met with the previous Board on Wednesday 22 January 2025 at the Parkroyal Hotel at Tullamarine Airport for a full day of handover.

See the President's report in the next newsletter for more details!

Research Project: Urinary incontinence in RACF: Management and medications

Opportunity for research participation

Project title: Co-designing evidence-based resources to support decision-making regarding the safe and effective prescribing, monitoring and deprescribing of medications for the management of urinary incontinence for people living with dementia in RACFs.


Chief investigator: Dr Amanda Cross,  Monash University, Victoria

Are you a healthcare professional with experience in caring for people who experience urinary incontinence and who are living with dementia?

Do you prescribe, dispense or administer medications for urinary incontinence for people living with dementia?

Monash University would like your help to develop new resources to support and empower people with dementia, their carers and healthcare professionals to make well-informed choices about medications for managing urinary incontinence.

Your expertise will help inform an important body of work which may potentially improve clinical outcomes for this vulnerable patient group. 

We want to develop these resources together with the individuals who will use the resources to ensure they are fit for purpose.

We are currently recruiting healthcare professionals to participate in interviews or focus groups. 

Contact: If you are interested in participating or learning more about this project, please email Dr Amanda Cross at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 03 9903 9471. 

Drinking Cultures Study

Are you interested in sharing your insights on drinking cultures within your professional community?

Researchers from La Trobe University and Monash University want to hear from nurses like you!
We are conducting confidential interviews to explore the unique dynamics of drinking cultures among nurses.

Your experiences and perspectives on drinking with colleagues are valuable in understanding the role of alcohol in your occupational settings.
Interviews will take approximately 60 minutes to complete, and participants will receive $50 as an acknowledgement for their time and contribution.
This research is funded by the Australian Research Council and the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) and has received ethics approval (HEC22300).
For more information, please contact Nyssa Ferguson (La Trobe University): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


#LaTrobePsychologyAndPublicHealth #PublicHealth #Alcohol #Research

CAPS changes

There have been recent changes to the CAPS scheme.

Read the CAPS Eligibility Changes - Organisation Update

ACSQHC - New intellectual disability resources

ACSQHC - new intellectual disability resources

The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards support the right of people with intellectual disability to equitable health care.

In this link, you will find guidance and resources for implementation of the NSQHS Standards, to support healthcare rights and provision of inclusive health care.

Read more, or access the ACQSHC Standard resources